I wish to share my experiences with as many people as possible, so gradually I will post here the interviews I conduct during the year and the articles I write about the different topics I come across.
As I see it, if you are here, you are in a way my virtual classmate and I would love to hear about your thoughts and ideas. Do not hesitate to use the Forum to share them with the rest of the class.
Talking to Michel Bauwens about the creation of a third power in the world to balance out and fix the industrial age's systemic problems: Commons.
Discussing Japanese Corporate Social Responsibility with NEC's CSR General Manager Hitoshi Suzuki.
Discussing Japanese Corporate Social Responsibility, automation and identity with Prof. Kanji Tanimoto.
A short Q&A with Audrey Tang, Taiwan's new Digital Minister about democracy in the digital age.
Talking to Stéphane Corcuff about democracy in Taiwan, the Chinese World and globally.
Discussing politics, modernisation of the 70-ear-old KMT party and democracy with Taiwanese Legislator Jason Hsu.
Talking democracy and how to achieve it in Honk Kong with Democratic Party Chairwoman Emily Lau.
Talking about Democracy in Hong Kong, China and the world with one of the founders of the Umbrella Movement
Talking education with Leslie Medema, the Green School's Principal in Bali, one of the world's best schools and simply a magical place.